About me
Katya Longhi was born in 1984 in Modica, a small town in Southern Italy.
She grew up in Trento and studied at the Art Academy in Florence.
Since then she has studied illustration at Nemo NT Academy of Digital Arts.
When she was a child she drew everything she saw – she has countless drawings of ice cream and Snoopy!
Katya completed several animation and illustration workshops, which she found
invaluable as they helped her to establish her style, and has found the stimulation for her passion.
Katya works digitally but she begins by drawing with pencil on paper.
In her spare time, Katya loves to read and watch on tv fairytales and collect snow globes.
She currently works as a freelance illustrator based in Trento, where she lives with her very own Prince Charming!
She has also exhibited in numerous art exhibitions throughout Italy.
Tiger Books
Falmingo - Random House
Clavis Books
Callisto Media
Curious Universe
Clever Media Group
Cottagedoor Press
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Mame - Fleurus
Studio Fun
Harvest House Publishers
Silver Dolphin Books
Harper Collins
Thomas Nelson
Random House
Rodale Kids
Igloo Books
Cricket Media Magazine
Clubhouse Jr Magazine
Editions Lito
Edition Auzou
Cricket Media
Kalimat Group
Yoyo Books
Editions Fleurus
Pearson USA
Oxford University Press
Hameray Publishing
Eli - La Spiga Edizioni
Editrice La Scuola SpA
Pearson Italia
Amicus Publishing for The Creative Company
Eurac Bolzano
Giunti Kids
Edizioni El - Emme Edizioni
Save the Children Italia
Grupo Fohla
Benchmark Education
Bricks Education
A-Z Learning
Rusconi Libri
email: katya.longhi@gmail.com
phone: +39 3496719069
Education and Experience
2007 – Academy pf the Arts, Florence
2010 – Nemo NT, Academy of Digital Arts, Illustration
2008 – Workshop with Alex Orrelle (Disney Pixar animation), JP Vine (Aardman Studios and Disney Pixar animation), Giuliano Cenci, Paolo Chiari
2009 – Workshop with Florian Satzinger, concept Designer
2010 – Workshop with Eric Goldberg (Disney Master animation) and Gary Goldman (Disney Maste animation)
2007 – Collective based in Rome “Studio Arte fuori Centro” with installations.
2007 – Festival of the Creativity, Florence, illustration
2008 - Atlantis, collective with Nemo NT Academy, illustration, 3° price as best illustration.
2009 – Individual in Modica (Sicily)
2009 – Collaboration as freelance illustrator – Graphic Concept for fashion Catalogue – Shot – Florence
2009 – Collaboration as freelance illustrator – Concept coloring Background for a Game Tivitz, Unit9, Florence
2012 – Collective “Come Nasce un Albo Illustrato, venite a scoprirlo!” Milan, Italy
2016 - Personal Exhibition - Ragusa - Italy
2019 - Collective Exhibition "Sradicati" - Trento Film Festival della Montagna
Sono nata nel 1984 a Modica, una piccola città del sud della Sicilia.
Sono cresciuta a Trento, nel nord Italia, e a 19 anni sono partita per Firenze dove ho studiato all'Accademia di Belle Arti laureandomi, successivamente mi sono iscritta all''Accademia di Arti Digitali Nemo NT dove mi sono diplomata in Illustrazione digitale e tradizionale.
Quanto ero piccola disegnavo tutto quello che vedevo, vedevo Snoopy, disegnavo Snoopy, amavo il gelato, disegnavo il gelato.
Negli anni di studi ho partecipato a diversi Workshop di animazione ed illustrazione ed è stato anche grazie a queste esperienze che ho potuto arricchire il mio bagaglio artistico e che ho trovato il mio stile potendo quindi seguire la mia vera passione!
Lavoro sia su carta che su computer, la tecnica digitale la adoro e fa proprio parte di me, adoro riuscire a creare ambienti ed atmosfere magiche, stelline scintillanti, principi e principesse, luci, texture colori magici e altro ancora.

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Katya Longhi illustrations copyright © 2011 / Call +39 3496719069 / katya.longhi@gmail.com